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Video Well Wishes

Share your messages, favorite stories, and well wishes for Marina, Michelle, and/or the new incoming GSNorCal CEO.
Your name
Record video
Approve video

Need help?
You’ll have up to two minutes, with a chance to play and re-record before saving your video. Be patient, pages may take a moment to load.

From a computer: Once camera opens, click START, wait for the 2 minute timer to start, and STOP when done. Once the video loads, click play and either Re-record or Submit if you're happy.

From a mobile device: Once camera opens, hit Record to start, and again to stop. Click Play to watch your video, Back to re-record, or Checkmark to continue. Then Submit if you're happy.

Video Permission: All videos will be monitored and may be shared publicly. If you wish for your video to remain unpublished, and shared only with the respective parties, please state that the "video is personal" at the beginning of your video. Otherwise, by submitting a video, you are granting permission for GSNorCal to use you and/or your child’s image, likeness and/or any statements, used now or for future publications without expectation of compensation or remuneration.

You may need to give permission to access
your camera and microphone.

You may need to swap cameras on your device to select the front facing camera.

Happy with your video? Tap the Play button to watch back.

Unfortunately your browser is not compatible to record video directly.

Instead please use your device's camera app to record your video and then choose the upload option below

{{ session.video_duration_error_string }}
{{ session.video_filename }}
Happy with your video? Tap the Play button to watch back.

You can choose to record your video message now or to upload a video you have already created.

{{ session.video_duration_error_string }}
{{ session.video_filename }}

Get ready to record your video!

You may need to give permission to access your camera and microphone.

{{ session.video_duration_message }}

Happy with your video? Tap the Play button to watch back.

Get ready to record your video!

You may need to swap cameras on your device to select the front facing camera.

{{ session.video_duration_message }}

{{ session.video_duration_error_string }}
{{ no_audio_error }}

Record your video


Happy with your video?

{{ session.pre_record_count_down }}

Need help?

{{ no_audio_error }}

Need help?

Please wait while we upload your video message.

{{ currently_uploading }}

Video Size: {{ session.base_question.video_file_size }}MB

Thank you for your well wishes!

Powered by Virtual VideoGuest Book

{{ contact_success }}